You may be the person with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) but it is likely that you are their spouse or a close relative, searching for PTSD treatment. This is because most people with PTSD know something is wrong but have no idea or way of calibrating how far from their normal self they are. They have been affected by some awful event that placed demands on them which were beyond their ability to cope with. It is not their fault. The main symptoms are listed below; different people suffer from different symptoms and different numbers of them. This list is a guide.
Post Traumatic Distress Disorder Symptoms:One of the most common symptoms is the cancelling of things at the last minute. This is because of the belief that the event can happen again - and choosing safety. Some people go through the rest of their lives with PTSD and don’t know it because they think you have to suffer terrible injury, like a soldier stepping on a mine, to have PTSD. You can have PTSD after a car crash, divorce, bereavement, job loss or anything that overwhelmed you at the time.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment:
RAF Group Captain Richard Castle, PhD, is a psychiatrist who has treated PTSD in RAF personnel for some years. He was involved in a train crash near a petrol station which ignited in a fireball, setting fire to the carriages where he was injured and trapped. As the fire burned along the train, it reached his carriage and several people ahead of him burned to death before he was rescued. He came out with PTSD. Now someone who treated PTSD saw it from the inside - and now he knew what to do to treat it. His methods make him a world authority on treating PTSD and he is asked to chair world conferences on PTSD; such is the respect for him and his methods.
He has taught me his methods and I use them to help people suffering from PTSD to come back home - to themselves and their families; they come back to life.
Living with PTSD v Living without PTSD:
You you don’t have to live with PTSD, you don’t need to live with PTSD. It doesn’t matter what anyone else has done that didn’t work or what anyone else has told you that didn’t work - you can be freed from its hold over your life. I can help you. Contact me now.
Mark has been in full time practise since 2003 helping people from around this country and around the World:
North America; Central America; South America; South Africa; Australia; New Zealand; Hong Kong;
The Middle East; Europe and Scandinavia